Natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)

Benefits of Natural Bio-Identical Hormone Balancing in conjunction with proper nutrition, exercise and health care:
More energy
Sharper memory
Better concentration
Less fat
More muscle mass
Hair re-growth
Stronger bones
Stress resistance
Stronger immune system
Mood elevation
Younger, thicker and smoother skin
Enhanced libido and sexual performance

Blood Test – Prior to your consultation at the clinic, blood will need to be drawn  at The Doctors Laboratory London. If you live outside London a blood sample pack will be sent to you for a local practitioner to draw blood. The blood sample pack will then need to be sent back to the Doctors Laboratory London.


Primary Consultation with Doctor – up to 60 minutes

Contact Us:
07 973 173 478

Maria Somers 

Dip Ed
Managing and Financial Director of HB Health Clinics

Maria comes to HB Health with a wealth of management experience. She has been Client Manager for an Accountants Firm, and actually ran the Accountacy firm in the absence of the Managing Director for 3 years while he was recovering from a serious illness. She has also been National Fund Co-ordinator for a small charity, and has run her own PR company as well as her own tennis coaching business.
Her interest in Well-being and Anti-ageing comes from research in Anti-ageing undertaken for a European client. She met Heather Bird when she attended the Paris Anti-Ageing Conference.

Sergey A. Dzugan

Sergey A. Dzugan, MD, PhD is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the Dzugan Institute of Restorative Medicine, Deerfield Beach, FL. Dr. Dzugan is a former heart surgeon. International Academy of Creative Endeavors (Russia) awarded Dr. Dzugan with the honorary title of Academician for outstanding contribution to the development of new methods of hypercholesterolemia andmigraine treatment. He performed 84 presentations at the prestigious International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and other Medical Conferences. He is the author of 166 publications in medical journals, author of 7 books, holder of 3 patents, and author of numerous articles (24) in health related magazines. Dr. Dzugan is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Neuroendocrinilogy Letters and a Member of the Medical Advisory Board at Life Extension Magazine. He is co-founder and President of iPOMS (International Physiology Optimization Medical Society).


B.Sc.N., RGN

Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner 
Medical Director from 2001 to July 2007
Specialisation: Botox, Anti Wrinkle treatments

Brenda received her Registered General Nurse status from the Philippine Board of Nursing in 1991. This was followed by her Royal Nursing from the Nursing and Midwifery Commission (UK) and her membership at the Royal College of Nursing (UK) in 1994. Brenda has worked with well-known plastic surgeons and dermatologists around the world, including London, Paris and Monte Carlo. She has a specialist training in non-surgical treatments, with advanced training in dermal filler treatments. Treating patients for the past seven years, her professional competence and reputation has also resulted in appearances on television and high profile publications with her rejuvenating and anti-ageing non-surgical treatments, on an international scale including the U.K. and U.S.A.

We prescribe only natural hormones that are biologically identical to those found in the body (not synthetic). This programme is an alternative to conventional HRT.

Hormones are not drugs. They are natural substances that function as messengers within our bodies to stimulate cells to rejuvenate and repair, and are vital for regulating our bodily functions.

As we grow older, there is a decline in our body’s ability to produce its natural hormones such as thyroid, oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin and HGH. As the production of hormones decreases, our body’s ability to repair and regulate itself does also. As our hormone levels diminish, so do the proper functions of the organs. This leads to and accelerates the ageing process and the onset of age related degenerative diseases, such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes. We also suffer menopause, andropause, weight gain, changing body shape, lack of energy and fatigue.

At HB Health we concentrate on making you younger from the inside out by returning your hormones to their youthful levels, but never exceed what your body has already been accustomed to in its younger years. After complete physical examination and bloodwork analysis, our programme of natural bio-identical hormone replacement and balancing replaces only the hormones that are shown to be deficient– balancing them and ensuring they all remain within normal youthful ranges. Natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a treatment for the restoration of youth and wellness.

These programmes are appropriate for both men and women.

Whilst hormone balancing is an integral and essential element of anti-ageing treatment, it should be used in conjunction with proper nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, our team of anti-ageing specialists creates a tailored anti-ageing programme just for your unique physical requirements, incorporating the Five Pillars of Anti-ageing— Diet & Nutrition; Exercise; Hormonal Modulation; Nutritional Supplementation; Stress Management


Natural hormone replacement is often referred to as “biologically identical hormone replacement therapy” (BHRT). Natural hormones are either those substances that have existed in our bodies since conception, or are substances that are structurally identical to those our bodies naturally create. Synthetic hormones have been created by drug manufacturers that attempt to mimic natural hormone function — yet are structurally different enough from natural hormones to be patentable. Such synthetic hormones often produce many desirable effects, but more often than not, also produce undesirable or negative side effects — such as bloating, headaches, fatigue, weight gain and possibly cancer. Natural hormones, by contrast, possess the identical structures and function as substances created by our bodies-and produce all the desirable effects without any of the undesirable or negative side effects associated with synthetic hormones. We prescribe only natural hormones because of our commitment to your total well-being.

Please inquire today by filling out the form below.